When you’re on the go, travelling, it can be hard to keep kids fuelled with the good stuff. I love a healthy snack and over time have realised that my three kids don’t cope well on preservatives and sugar. So I really try to limit this. They become agitated, their behaviour changes and they become a different person, causing stress on us as parents. It can be a challenge feeding them on the go while you’re travelling. So, below are some easy options to help inspire you and steer clear of the nasties.
I love the health food aisle. Healtheries Rice Wheels are a hit with the kids. I can chuck them in my backpack and bust them out on top of a mountain. Another option is Messy Monkey Wholegrain Bites, I rate the burger ring flavour. Delish! Also Mini Bites are a fab snack too.

Popcorn is a winner, healthy and nutritious and comes in a generous size bag (we – mum and dad, have been known to eat them too).
Muesli Bars. I mostly purchase the Freedom Food ones as they’re free of nasties. Otherwise I grab the Uncle Toby’s brand. Kids love these as a mid morning snack after a beach swim. Be wary when purchasing muesli bars, some can be packed with sugar and preservatives!
Fruit, we can’t keep up with it. From banana’s, apples, grapes, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries and mangoes its by far the best snack. Cut up into bite sized pieces or make some apple chips. A fruit salad with yoghurt is an option too.

movie and some fruit
Rice Cakes come in all varieties now. Our go too is cheese or spring onion. I always have a packet at my feet in the car and they don’t last long.
Sakata’s and Peckish come in little packets now which is handy while on the move.
Cruskits with peanut butter and honey. I make a cruskit sandwich and pop in zip lock bags (how handy are zip lock bags!)
Prunes, dates and apricots are a great option, we call these ‘lollies’ and the kids think they’re getting a treat, hehehe. Some do contain preservatives so go organic where you can!
Our three kids love canned tuna, a tasty snack while on the go.
Carrot and Celery sticks are always a success, team it with some hummus or peanut butter and yesssss, kids are stoked!
Baked Beans in a can are always a winner, be sure you don’t forget a spoon!
If you’ve got a fridge in the back of your car, yoghurt pouches are a fantastic snack to have with you. When travelling with a baby, we ALWAYS had these on hand and kept a ‘hangry’ baby happy! Boiled eggs are one of our favourites, the keep for a few days and stay stocked up in our Engel. Whack a bit of salt and pepper on them, so tasty. Justin and I eat them too!

hands up for boiled eggs!!
There is so many options out there now such as bliss balls and organic corn chips, although a little more expensive, also a nice option.
If you’re feeling a little creative, Zucchini Slice is delicious and our kids eat this hot or cold. Breakfast muffins, pancakes, pasta spirals, sushi, clean bake bar and slices. Oh I could go on!
Our biggest tip is to stay away from processed food and snacks containing sugar (or large amounts anyway). Theres nothing worse than a kid on a sugar high when you’ve got a day driving 500km! It’s hectic. Keep snacks healthy and hunger at bay with the above tips!
Happy Travels and let us know if you have any healthy snack ideas that you can share in the comments.


How we funded our trip and tips for you to do the same